Persuasive Essay On Being An 8th Grader

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Leonardo Da Vinci once said, “Learning Never Exhausts The Mind.” This describes the upcoming tests and events yet to come of my eighth grade year. There are various new challenges and experiences that come with the title of being an eighth grader. I hope to tackle every experience effectively and maturely. As eighth graders we have numerous occasions to prove ourselves as mature young adults. These opportunities can be considered overwhelming occurrences or as onerous obligations. Some might include homework load, new responsibilities, and most exciting, buddies.
Being a student of St. Michael’s, strenuous work and the fluctuation in homework load come effortless to me. This year, various new teachers amalgamated into the faculty, each have their own set of rules. For example, our new science teacher completely redesigned the way we complete our homework and how we organize our binders, figuring this out is as laborious as rocket science. Also, eighth graders are the oldest students in the school. With more arduous material and contrasting classes, our homework is nothing like seventh grade let alone fifth. Another duty I have is setting an example.
Common knowledge is eighth graders are the leaders of the school. Every grade looks up …show more content…

Our buddies are young and need us to guide them, like teachers to students. Each of us must teach our buddies manners, respect, and common courtesy of the school and social expectations throughout life. We teach them how to be reverent, intelligent, mannered, and remarkable young ladies and gentlemen. We have to model the quintessential student so they can take after us and succeed throughout their careers at St. Michael’s. We also have to assure them it’s okay to make mistakes sometimes; they help you grow! Taking care of our buddies is the most important attribute to making sure my class and theirs has an astounding