
Persuasive Essay On Being Homeless

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Homeless is not a word that just fits one type of person. From people living on street corners to people living with multiple different family members, all of these people are all considered homeless. Out of the millions of people living on the street around America, there are 1.6 million teenagers who have been disowned or ran away and are now in a position where they must provide for themselves, find a place to live and earn a living. Many of theses teenagers have been forced on the street for choices they have made that caused their parents or guardians to withdraw support and love from them leaving them with the choice to live in a home of neglect or abuse or runaway. Providing for themselves at a young age can cause many problems and make teenagers turn to a variety of unreliable sources and substances to help them survive these mentally and physically draining times. One girl who has first hand experienced a lack of love, …show more content…

Nearly one third of all teenage girls who have lived on the street have been pregnant. (Pregnant and Parenting Unaccompanied Youth) These women are rarely helped through their pregnancies and after birth but rather are forced to provide for their children on their own. Nearly two thirds of youth looking for shelter are females who became homeless through family conflict. (Pregnant and Parenting Unaccompanied Youth) Shelter and homes are especially hard to come by for pregnant teens age girls therefore most admit to giving birth on the street due to lack or resources and money. One result of homeless teenage pregnancy is the problem that many of these women will never be educated again. These women lack access to places where they can still provide for their children while finishing high school or college education. (Pregnant and Parenting Unaccompanied

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