Persuasive Essay On Criminalizing Marijuana

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Suppose everyone lived in fear for the rest of their lives, constantly pushing away change because no one knows the exact outcome. According to The Discovery House, researchers, scientists, and observists can proudly say that marijuana does not affect the same part of the brain as any of the other substances under the Schedule I Act. Any way of using marijuana is much safer as well, yet being under this schedule, it is tried as highly addictive with no medical value and no recognition for the differences in recreational and medicinal use. Criminalizing it has not affected general use either. My proposition is to clear out the clouded, avoided areas of our country’s problems and be rid of them forever by having everyone under the influence. In order to build and advance as a nation, America must be willing to accept change. Everyone has differences among each other, but they should interpret various outcomes and look at different views. Plans can work if we know what has to be done and at this point there is …show more content…

It is a step closer towards federal reconsideration about recreational use. Like The Huffington Post claims, “Legalization would be a beautiful thing,” but slow and steady wins the race. Their is a tremendous amount of benefits it could bring us all; for example, increase in jobs and experimentations, over time, collection of tax revenues can be redistributed throughout our communities, it could start building investments into discovering more about other unharmful, natural remedies. Business would boom and eventually destroy every other enterprise in the market. The government would even have money left over to start paying the national debt because it is only increasing. Without a doubt, people’s mentalities would also expand. There has been evidence for change in personality, judgment, and reasoning