Persuasive Essay On Daylight Saving Time

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According to, hundreds of people die in traffic accidents each year because of Daylight Saving Time, not to mention an increase in heart attacks, criminal activity, and used energy. Daylight Saving Time was an idea that dates back to the beginning of the United States in the late 1700’s. Mustered up by the brilliant mind of Benjamin Franklin, it was supposed to save energy and fuels. However, It was not brought into effect until World War One when President Wilson implemented it to help conserve energy for the war. But since we are no longer at war, is using a system of saving energy from over a hundred years ago that causes health risks, traffic accidents, and an increase of criminal acts really worth it? Is an increase in loss of human life really worth the small amounts of saved energy? A lot of people will say we should keep daylight savings time because we get more light in the evening and small amounts of fuels and energy are supposedly saved. But human life is the most valuable thing on Earth. Therefore, Daylight Saving Time should be abolished throughout the world because of the easily avoidable harmful and negative effects it has on human health, conservation, and personal safety. …show more content…

Daylight Saving time also adds a greater chance of heart attack and depression. According to Gillman and Bown, authors from The Washington Post, state that “The transition from summertime to standard time were associated with an 11 percent increase… in the incidence rate of unipolar depressive episodes.” This quote proves that people are negatively affected by Daylight Saving Time. If people are suffering, becoming depressed due to daylight saving time, why is it still continuing? People’s lives should be held at a higher importance than a barrel or two of oil. As you can see, Daylight Saving Time is bad for our