Persuasive Essay On Do It Better Ben Carson

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Do It Better is the biographical story of Ben Carson, a famous American surgeon. When he was on fifth grade, he was known and felt as the dumbest kid in the class. Definitely his poor performance in school worried his mother very much, and despite her low education level she knew that doing well at school was essential for her children to escape poverty. Moreover, she created a plan to turnaround the faith of her son, and with a strict routine of little television and lots of reading her boy started to do well at school; he gained self-confidence, and after am year and a half he moved to the top of the class. This story is an example that reading plays a very important role during different stages in people’s lives. Even before children know how to read, there are benefit from being expose to reading. While you read to your child you are creating a strong bond between you two. You can snuggle up with a book and lets the two of you slow down and recaptures that sweet, cuddly time you enjoyed when he was a baby.When you read to your pre-school you are exposing him or her to new vocabulary, new sounds, new situations …show more content…

Through reading we expose ourselves to new things, new information, new ways to solve problems, and new ways to achieve things. Before we take action on anything, we seek reading for help, guidance, reviews, and feedback. When we read we gain experience from other people, and we don’t need to repeat the same mistake. With this gained experience people will create solutions towards a better understanding of the world and better future developed actions. Also, reading increases the understanding of the rules of life, in order for people to adapt, adopt and accommodate into the society better. In other words, reading is a powerful tool during all our professional life, and a great resource for make our life