Persuasive Essay On Evolution Vs Religion

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When we had our debate on evolution I found myself in the middle. I believe in Jesus Christ and if I had to absolutely choose a side I would be on the creationists side. I would choose this side because I just cannot believe that we came from monkeys or other animals. The idea just seems so out of this world. But so does the idea of a non-supernatural force that doesn’t live in this world performing miracles and being raised from the dead. But I choose to believe in that and I’m not trying to force my religion on anyone. In all seriousness neither side can really prove their theories or ideas of what side they choose. In class I heard some good facts from both sides, with evolution I would like to know how the animals we supposedly evolved from were made and who made the maker that made them. …show more content…

Both sides have no solid facts or evidence that these things happened. But yet people choose to believe in them. I think that it would be easier to explain something using religion than proving something using science. The reason why I don’t think that humans came from monkeys is how advanced we are. Even if we came from monkeys there would have to be things that we couldn’t do or things that hold us back, I know there is now but the human body is so complicated and intricate that I don’t think that it could change or evolve enough to be the way they are today if we came from monkeys. If you look, there are amazing people out there that can do amazing things so if we can do that why can’t monkeys and why aren’t there more monkeys evolving in to humans or other