Creationism Vs Ken Ham

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Did you ever wonder where we came from? Do you think that God created us or do you believe that all of us just happened. This is a question that has been asked, questioned, and wondered for very very long time. Some people believe that God created us in his own image but, other people believe in the Big Bang Theory. In this essay you will read what each debater has to say about creationism and evolution. The two debaters on this topic is Bill Nye and Ken Ham. Bill Nye believes in the evolution while Ken Ham believes in creation.
First, let's start of with Ken Ham. Ken is a Christian and nothing will change his mind about that. He also believes that God is the ultimate authority over everything. Do you know where did we get our consciousness? Ken says there's a book for that and it …show more content…

The Bible. Ken also believes that evolution/ creation is a conflict between two philosophical worldview based on two accounts (origins or historical science beliefs). The origins or historical science beliefs are the same thing, you weren't there and you can't observe it, or its knowledge concerning the past. He believes that the flood had to play some part on how the continents spilt to where they are now. He says that children should be taught to know that there is a God who loves them and died on the cross for them. The Seven C's of History help him prove his point. They are creation, corruption, catastrophe, confusion, Christ, and the Cross. Next, public schools don't mention anything about God. There science books are based on man's idea of the past They just observe things in the present, then assume that it always happened in the past. He said that animals were