Creation Story Research Paper

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The Creation Story
The argument over the truth or fallacy of the book of Genesis leaves faithful Christians at an impasse. While both theistic evolutionists and creationists believe in the divine inspiration of Genesis, their opinions of the creation account vary considerably. Stated in, Practical Christian Theology, Barackman p. 78, “The theistic evolution theory allegorizes the creation account as being a poetic expression of spiritual truth.” Creationists on the other hand believe in the most literal interpretation of the original book found in the Holy Bible. Evolutionary theists interpret the word “was” as meaning “became” when describing the events of creation. Creationists, however, take the word “was” to mean an immediate reaction to God’s intention to make it so. Is the basis for the entire argument either for or against theistic evolution based on the intended meaning of one three letter word? Many issues are brought into play when raising objections to theistic evolution, strong scriptural support to the contrary leads to a better understanding of the creation events. Addressing such discrepancies as in how many days encompass …show more content…

To believe that there was death before creation week is to say that there was life before creation week. When identifying with the literal sense of Genesis 1, God created everything from the heavens and earth, all of its inhabitants, plant, animal, celestial, and human during those six twenty-four hour days ( For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy Exodus 20:11). It would then not be possible for any living creature to have experienced death before Genesis 1. Death was a consequence brought about by the sinning of Adam and Eve, first spiritual death, later physical