Genesis Research Paper

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The historicity of the covenant, the explanation of the creation of the world, the origin of it all is in Genesis. It is so essential to the Christian to know and believe the words of Genesis, and to trust in them. The New Testament refers back to this first book of the Bible more than sixty times, to make clear the beginning of God’s unbelievable relationship with His people. It is such a comfort to have Genesis in the fact that the truth of the beginning is written out. It’s harder to not believe the words than it is to believe it. But, isn’t that child-like faith? We don’t need archeological evidence, or a scientist’s conviction for us to believe. To deny the beginning destroys so many convictions that we as Christians hold fast to. “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” Already in the first sentence of the Bible are the evolutionists put to shame. It says as clear as day how the world came into form, and by whom. Chapters one and the beginning of two in Genesis explain the day to day creation, also destroying the “big bang” theory. The world was made by the word of God, and that alone. In Genesis two, the subject begins with the importance of the Sabbath. The word Sabbath means “rest.” The Triune God, who is never weary, rested on this day. By His …show more content…

Genesis 2:18 says, “And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.” God makes the antithesis, with regard to marriage, very sharp. God made the union of a man and woman so strong in marriage that man can do nothing to break it. When a man divorces, he attempts to put asunder what God put together. If Genesis is not in the Bible, man would have so many more excuses for making divorce “okay.” It is stated right away in the Word of God that it is not right for man to be alone. Marriage pictures the relationship between Christ and His church; would you want Christ to divorce