Creationism: Mclean V. Arkansas Board Of Education

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Dixon In 1950, in the encyclical “Humani Generis”, Pope Pius XII said that Catholic lessons on Creation could coexist with Evolutionary Theory. Pope John Paul II went a tad further in 1996, calling Evolution “more than a hypothesis.” In many circumstances, Creationism has refuted scientific theories and has unraveled the lot that science, in most schools has taught us about human derivation. Evolution and Creation are two of the most common theories of human origin, although numerous religious people believe in Creation, the bible’s timeline does not match up with the scientific timeline, humans have not existed in their existing form since “the beginning”, and Creationism continually rejects itself, for these reasons Creationism should be …show more content…

This is a surprising outcome because pastors are supposed to teach lessons from the bible to their church and almost half of the pastors don’t even believe what the Bible teaches. This imaginative belief has caused multiple cases in court and has triggered a splitting in education. These cases were called McLean v. Arkansas Board of Education, Edwards v. Aguillard, and Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District. The McLean v. Arkansas Board of Education started from a 1981 law that the governor of Arkansas signed called, "Balanced Treatment for Creation-Science and Evolution-Science Act." This law said that the state would give equal management to evolution-science and creation-science. Seven assemblies complained to the state for three reasons. The first reason was defilement of the 1st amendment; the government cannot exclude or favor certain religions over others. The second reason, defilement of the right to educational independence, made possible because of the free speech clause of the 1st amendment. Lastly, those who were against this said the law was impermissibly unclear. Amongst the accusers along with parent and teacher organizations, were the ministry of the Episcopal, United Methodist, …show more content…

Darwin’s theory of evolution belong in Biology classrooms because the idea was created using a series of experiments and research. Because Evolution includes many scientific methods it belongs in classrooms. Darwin’s theory also has many years of research to back it up. All reasons that Creationists use to back up Creationism are contradicting such as the idea that God made the earth appear to be much older than it actually is while Evolution has Scientific evidence and facts to say why the earth is the age it is. Evolution is explained through the process of natural selection, broken down step by step but Creationism simply states that man was made from dust and women were made from Adam’s rib. Overall, Creationism sounds like a children’s story while Evolution is very detailed, informative, and educational. Creationism confuses students and lures them away from their educational thinking process. In many circumstances, Creationism has refuted scientific theories and has unraveled the lot that science, in most schools has taught us about human derivation. Evolution and Creation are two of the most common theories of human origin, although numerous religious people believe in Creation, the bible’s timeline does not match up