Evolution Vs. Creationism In Public Schools

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Paul R. Vincenti October 9, 2014 Essay #3 XYZ TITLE Creationism is the belief in the biblical account as it appears in the Book of Genesis. Creationists believe that the formation of the world and all its creatures took place in six days through the hand of God. Conversely, Evolution is the scientific theory first proposed by Charles Darwin in the 19th Century where the earth’s species have changed and diversified through time under the influence of natural selection. Evolution has been further solidified through scientific analysis over the following 200 years. The Evolution vs Creation debate has long been a provocative topic when considering public school curriculums. Devote Christians believe Creationism is an essential subject matter, while Evolutionists express the pitfalls of introducing it. When the scientific method is applied and historical intentions are examined it becomes abundantly clear that the inclusion of Creationism would be counterproductive to the public school curriculum. …show more content…

They insist on adopting the literal reading of the biblical book of Genesis, not until the late 1800’s was this considered appropriate. Historically, every major Christian thinker from Thomas Aquinas to Martin Luther encouraged the metaphorical reading of Genesis. Aquinas states in his Summa Theologica "Any word may be used in two ways--that is to say, either in its original application or in its more extended meaning". These words are important because they encourage biblical text to be read in a metaphorical manner. Modern day Christianity has lost these original intentions when discussing all texts notably here, the book of Genesis. Until these mistakes are realized and rectified these historically false teachings hold no place in a public school