Should Creation Be Taught In Public Schools Essay

955 Words4 Pages defines creationism as: Belief in the supernatural origin of the universe or of humans and other living things, especially as based on the literal interpretation of the account of the creation related in the Bible. Creation should be taught in public schools alongside, not in exclusion to, Evolution. Following are six reasons why.

1) A significant portion of the population are pro-Creationism.
The results of the Gallup polls are clear, many people want Creation taught in schools. Why then is it not taught, if all men (and women) are created equal? Why do some have preferential treatment? Even the Declaration mentions a Creator. Why is God taboo in science class? The Gallup poll was taken several times, and every time the results leaned towards a change in America’s education. Many people want Creation to be taught alongside Evolution, some even want Creation taught in exclusion to Evolution. While swinging from the current system to the exact opposite side, not teaching Evolution at all, would be a bad decision, Creation has a place in …show more content…

Take adaptation for example. Adaptation is a group of living organisms being selectively bred, by nature or Man. When something(an animal or plant) is selectively bred, less of the group survives then there was initially. This means that genetic material is lost. The loss of genetic material is the opposite of Evolution. Genetic loss is in fact anti-Evolution. So we have two different theories that predict similar outcomes, but by exact opposite routes to those methods. However upon closer inspection the fact that a species can lose genetic information but not gain it reinforces Creationism- that all things are currently equal to or less than they were created. If Creationism is true, then little or no genetic information has ever been gained in the history of earth, and due to the way adaptation works, this seems to be