Should Evolution Be Taught In Schools Essay

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Evolution should be taught in school because it shows that all creatures have anatomical and functional characteristics, shows the evolution of disease and agricultural process, and teaches kids a moral value that not just human lives matter, animals as well.

By teaching evolution, you can see the similarities between creatures, “Similarities between even widely disparate types of the organism exist at every level, from externally visible resemblances to profound resemblances in life-cycles and the structure of the genetic material. Biological classification, embryonic development, vestigial organs, sexual reproduction, inheritance, genes, mutations, and DNA sequencing are all discussed. Similarities between species have a natural and straightforward explanation in the idea that organisms are related through an …show more content…

In this article Evolution and the Origins of Disease, “The evolutionary explanations for the body's flaws fall into surprisingly few categories. First, some discomforting conditions, such as pain, fever, cough, vomiting, and anxiety, are actually neither diseases nor design defects but rather are evolved defenses. Second, conflicts with other organisms--Escherichia coli or crocodiles, for instance--are a fact of life. Third, some circumstances, such as the ready availability of dietary fats, are so recent that natural selection has not yet had a chance to deal with them. Fourth, the body may fall victim to trade-offs between a trait's benefits and its costs; a textbook example is the sickle cell gene, which also protects against malaria. Finally, the process of natural selection is constrained in ways that leave us with suboptimal design features, as in the case of the mammalian eye.” In this paragraph of the article, it explains on the point disease itself has evolved. Evolution doesn't only teach you that animals have grown over time, it also teaches a very valuable lesson to