Persuasive Essay On Hiroshima And Nagasaki

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When a neighbor hits your house with a big rock, what would you do? Would you pick up the rock and throw it at their house, try to compromise reasonably and have him pay for the damages, or forget that the incident ever happened? The United States had to deal with this scenario in World War II against Japan. The Japanese bombed the United States’ only Pacific Fleet in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, and the United States had to make a decision. They decided to pick up that rock and throw it back, but causing more damage. On the same day of Japan dropping the bomb, the United States declares war on Japan and decides to drop bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki years later. The selfish action of the United States caused many innocent lives to be taken purely for revenge. The bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki should not have been dropped because the bombs affected innocent Japanese lives and set a precedent for the use of nuclear weapons in the future. The bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were selfish acts by the United States that backfired and killed many innocent lives and extreme damage to the cities. On impact alone, the two bombs combined killed one hundred thousand innocent Japanese lives (“Nuclear”). The …show more content…

People received radiation poisoning that caused an increase in the death toll for even years after the bombings. People could have contracted radiation poisoning from as far as five miles away from the bombs point of impact (Lerner). The death toll caused by the nuclear radiation alone was twice the amount at initial impact (Lerner). It is understandable that nuclear radiation was not known at the time because a nuclear bomb has never been dropped on people before. However, there could have been more research done by the United States Department of Energy that discovers the side effects of nuclear radiation before the bombs were ever used