
Persuasive Essay On Human Cloning

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Human Cloning
Human cloning, that word gets a really bad connotation, instantly. Many people think that it’s like the creating a clone or an identical twin but that’s actually not the case at all. So far in science to human cloning simply means that an embryo is being created or that a certain individual can recreate their cells and be used by the individual themselves. What is an embryo you ask? Well an embryo is “an unhatched or unborn offspring in the process of developing,” this means that an embryo is not a baby or even a fetus, at this eight-cell stage, the embryo divides and therefore there are eight identical cells (hence human cloning) and the embryo is then put within the mother’s body and it then develops into a fetus and a baby. Alone, without the mother the “human clone” would be unable develop itself. When human cloning came out to the public, of course it got a really negative reaction because they said that it reduced a …show more content…

By allowing human cloning to be practiced in the states, it gives opportunity to the research to continue their search for a way to fix genetic disorders by cloning healthy human cells. Technically, human cloning is not able the genetic system due to the lack and limited research funding, but according to Barber, “the fact the entire human genome will be decoded does open a door for deliberate genetic modification designed to eliminate genetic disorders” (para. 3), and based on ‘Cloning technology could be used on humans’ they stated, “That technology used to develop stem cells to treat diseases such as Parkinson’s and stroke could be applied to human cloning” (para 2). This could potentially lead to the cure for all types of diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and even a cure for cancer where the cells can be fixed. Human cloning could be a life changing experience for the

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