Persuasive Essay On Human Cloning

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Imagine a world where if a soldier lost and arm in combat they could grow a new one, or a world without starvation.This world can become a reality through cloning. Cloning is process known scientifically as somatic cell nuclear transfer. In this process, DNA is removed form and organism, and then inserted into and egg cell so that it's DNA can be read and duplicated. After the embryo starts to develop, it is inserted into an organism to further develop. The newborn organism will be an identical replica of the original organism. The science of cloning should be further explored because it can end world hunger, save endangered or extinct animals, and open the possibilities for stem cells research. World hunger can be ended by cloning plants …show more content…

According to Ian Murnaghan sometimes when transplanting cells “the immune system of a person sees the transplanted cells as 'foreign' and thus begins a fast and possibly aggressive response to attack those cells that are not recognized”, but he also said that “Nuclear transfer (cloning) is a newer, potentially promising approach to combating an immune reaction”. It has already been proven that “Stem cells build, maintain, and repair the body throughout our lives”(Why Clone?). says that “stem cells can divide into more stem cells or can become any type of cell in the body.” Cloning stem cells from your body makes it impossible for a immune system reaction to occur. And immune system will recognize the transplanted cells as it's own simply because they are. Stems cells can build, maintain, and repair anything in our body because they can be any cell they want. Using stem cells would be used to fight disease or rebuild the body. A entire human clone could be possible, but the use of stem cells has almost entirely been focused on fixing problems for the body. Why clone and entire body when you fix all the problems with your original