Persuasive Essay On Animal Cloning

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Clones are similar to identical twins, just born at a different time (Consumer FAQs 1). Cloning is a long, tough, and expensive practice. It involves taking risks, hard work, and a lot of patience. Cloning animals has a huge history, FDA influence, a lot of animal cruelty, and health concerns, safety concerns and risks.
As stated by, cloning is a person or thing that duplicates, imitates, or closely resembles another in appearance, function, performance, or style. But what exactly is cloning? Cloning is the process of creating an exact copy of the genetic, or inherited, traits of an animal. Scientists have cloned cattle, swine, sheep, goats, mice, rats, rabbits, cats, mules, horses and a dog. Cloning allows for …show more content…

The FDA decided that they have enough information on cattle, swine, and goats, to decide that they will allow them to be reproduced for humans and animals to consume and or use. The FDA declared that they will not require labels on cloned animal products, as there are no safety concerns. They also stated that if a company wants to put “This product is clone free”, that they may allow it, however this will be decided case by case (Consumer FAQs1). The unhealthy discarded clones could also potentially be turned into animal feed, face cream, pet food, animal feed and lipstick. These products would not be labeled either. The FDA also said that it is okay to sell the offspring of clones and that the offspring are not even considered a clone (Blythman 2). They also feel that if clones breed and have offspring, that those offspring will not get any of the genetic weirdness from their parents (Martin, Pollack 1). Although they have enough information on cattle, swine and goats, we will not be seeing cloned products in supermarkets anytime soon (Consumer FAQs …show more content…

The risks involved with cloning can be minor, or they can be major. Just like humans, animals get treated with antibiotics when they are sick. The difference is that clones are treated with large amounts of antibiotics, hormones, medicine, and drugs used on clones, which inevitably could get us humans into trouble (Blythman 1). Some of these clones rely on medicine and drugs to keep them alive. Another concern is that the milk and meat from cloned animals might carry diseases, which then would expose humans to them (Report 1). Some animals appear as if they have no health problems, however this is untrue as there are no methods to find small health problems. The FDA stated that clones that survive six months are healthy, but this is not true for all species, as cloned mice developed problems when they were fifteen months old. Many years of study will be needed to assess this. Even slight imbalances can make the food unhealthy (Oosthoek 1). These imbalances can be hormones, protein, or fat level. Sometimes health problems pop up randomly and some animals die

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