Persuasive Essay On Illegal Immigration

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Illegal Immigration
In the U.S. there has been an immigration for a long time. This complication has affected the nation's economy, paying taxes and more. Millions of immigrants have been coming into the United States illegally from all around the world for a long time. Immigration should not be tolerated anymore. Most people would agree that people from foreign countries should not be coming into this country and being paid at minimum wage, and not paying taxes.

Immigrants have been taking people's jobs for years. As of 2017 the population of the United States was 325.7 million people and counting. 12.5 million of those people are immigrants taking away U.S. citizens’ jobs and homes. The employers are hiring unskilled workers that are immigrants because they are willing to get payed less than the average worker even below minimum wage,and that’s why we keep having more and more immigrants coming into this country. If the employers get caught hiring the immigrants they have to pay civil or criminal fines and they could even lose their business license. Immigrants should not be taking American citizens jobs. …show more content…

Immigrants started to have ideas to come into this country since the early 1700’s. Being undocumented, the illegals don’t have to pay taxes because they are not documented as a U.S. citizen, and the government doesn’t know what to do, where they are and how to get them out. That isn’t fair to the natural born citizens because they have to pay taxes and the illegal immigrants do not have to. That’s 12.5 million illegal people being in this country, not paying taxes. Immigrants should not be coming into this country because they are not paying taxes to stay here when they should