Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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“An overwhelming 88% of adults in the United States think marijuana should be legalized” (Green). The legalization of marijuana is the act of legalizing recreational and medicinal marijuana. The legalization of marijuana has been a widely debated topic throughout the years. Marijuana has been a controversial topic throughout the world today; therefore, one turns to the Catholic Church for guidance. For example, the legalization of marijuana could boost the economy and change it in a positive way. “In 2021, Washington collected $559.5 million of legal marijuana revenue, which is 85 million more than 2020” (Krishna). The legalization of marijuana could positively impact the economy and government through tax revenue. “Legalization of marijuana …show more content…

“When the only available products are untested, unlabeled, of unknown provenance and bought under the table from a dealer with no oversight, there is no telling what the purchased product contains” (Fernandez). Black market deals are unregulated and do not know what the dealer put in it. When it is legal, it will not be an unregulated purchase and it will then be regulated for consumer safety. “For these millions of Americans, legalizing marijuana leads directly to a safer and more enjoyable marijuana market, with competition driving prices down and quality up, and, more importantly, regulations and oversight” (Fernandez). Legalizing marijuana would benefit the overall health and safety of consumers, not having to get it through suspicious dealers, which would lead to a more transparent …show more content…

“Legalization would increase the use by teens by making the drug more readily available for the public” (Jonker). “A 2020 study of more than 230 teens and young adults in Washington State, one of the first states to legalize recreational marijuana for adults, concluded that teens may be more likely to use the drug now than before legalization” (The effects of Marijuana on teens). Legalizing marijuana would increase use by teens and young adults, which could lead to addiction, by making the drug more readily available for the general