Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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Because marijuana is a drug, by definition, it changes the way the human body works. It gives users an altered perspective on reality. Low to moderate intake can lead to minor traffic incidents. Study shows that marijuana is the largest drug found in fatally injured impaired drivers. Although, Marijuana legalization could increase the cost of addiction treatment of those introduced to heavier drugs from marijuana use, the Addiction treatment specialists have seen that those who do marijuana at a young age, such as teenagers, are more likely to abuse prescription drugs in their adulthood. When it comes to the legalization of marijuana, one benefit is the decrease in illegal drug dealers on the streets. This forces dealers to get jobs in the real world. Because of this, police officers can look for those who truly deserve to be in prison, such as rapists and child molesters. This will boost the economy in many ways. Unemployment will go down considering many dealers do not have a paying job. The economy will be boosted from more revenue coming in and …show more content…

Many people argue that marijuana is not as addictive as other, stronger drugs such as cocaine and heroin. Addiction treatment specialists have noticed long-term use does lead to addiction. Research has shown that as many as ten percent of users have developed a dependence over a long-term use. Abuse can never fully be fixed. Withdrawal from the substance can lead to horrid symptoms such as irritability and anxiety. As the government struggles with its income, new ways to gain money are starting to arise. If the government took over the marijuana system, it would boost revenue for everyone. Instead of people buying from illegal dealers, the government will sell the drug and therefore receive the money. New taxes can be put in place through the sale and distribution. Because of this, millions of dollars can be raised each