Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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Did you ever find a case of someone who died or got affected by marijuana? Marijuana has been banned from many countries for about 100 years since it is considered a drug. Although this drug has no negative effects on a human’s body if it is not over abused, somehow it still has been banned, while other items that greatly affect the health in a negative way and have no positive effects for example cigarettes are still legal in all the countries around the world. Medical marijuana should be legal because it helps cure many sicknesses that many people are suffering from and it also greatly slows down if not even stop the spread of cancer cells in the human body, which is extremely beneficial for many of us. Nobody feels good while they are sick …show more content…

Back in the day when research was very basic compared to how researchers test things out now, cigarette companies and other manufacturers wanted to ban people from smoking marijuana because hemp paper and marijuana was cheaper than their cigarettes so they were losing the fight. They came up with this idea to lie in documents and studies to ban marijuana, that way people are forced to smoke cigarettes only, which will certainly greatly increase their profits and spread of business during the early 1900s. They also used a great tactic during that period to push for the ban of marijuana, and it was linking it with racism. During the early 1900s racism was certainly huge, so the people who wanted to ban cannabis linked it with the blacks and foreigners, they said that people who use it tend to kill people and do other crazy nonsense which was certainly wrong because there wasn’t any research or tests that backed it up. According to (Why is marijuana illegal, Drugwarrant) a man named Harry Anslinger was one of the main people that helped ban marijuana in the States, and he did it by using the racism technique. Anslinger insisted that marijuana is what affected the white girls to apparently go crazy and fall in love with black men and