Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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The debate of legalizing marijuana has be ongoing and troubling to many American citizens. There are many aspects that have to be considered when deciding to make marijuana a legal substance under federal law. However, this plant has been used by many cultures for medical use before America was established. Within some states it is legal to use marijuana for medical treatments. However, some state laws have legalized marijuana for medical use the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has not recognized or approved marijuana as a treatment for cancer or any other medical condition. Many civilizations have used marijuana as a medical use dating all the way back to 2700 B.C when the Chinese Emperor Shen Nung said that he had discovered the healing properties of marijuana. “Ancient Egypt used marijuana for the treatment of the eyes, inflammation, and cooling of the uterus, as well as administering enemas” (). In ancient Greece medical use of cannabis was used as a way to reduce earaches, inflammation, and more. The use of medical marijuana historically can be argued that is has had a major influence on how we do and use some of today’s medical treatments. …show more content…

This being said there are pros and cons to using cannabis as a medical treatment. Legalizing marijuana for medical reasons is viewed favored by many people including members the medical community and even members of congress. Some pros of medical marijuana are that it can relieve the spasticity in the muscles that can be associated with multiple sclerosis or paralysis. Medical marijuana can also help relieve certain types of pain. Medical marijuana is safer alternative option to other medications that may be used to treat the same illness and symptoms. Marijuana has be used as a natural treatment for centuries before all other medications were developed. ADD