Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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Marijuana has been around since the beginning of civilization. Experts have found that the ancient Chinese had used it for medical purpose, in which the popularity then spread throughout other continents. Different cultures have accepted this earth grown substance into their society. Unfortunately, the United States has a different view. With the prohibition on marijuana in the United States, advocates are finding solutions because the legalization will expose government lies, stimulate the economy, and benefit the individual.
The legalization of marijuana reduces can expose the propaganda that the government has implemented on the country. Some people in the United States ingest these false information without questioning the authenticity. …show more content…

The war is endless because the demand will always bring on drug cartels that fill their needs, even with the risk of being caught. The majority of the smuggled marijuana comes from the heavily guarded Mexico border. Approximately, “$49 billion dollars for law enforcement along America's borders to cut off the flow of illegal drugs”(Fox News). The United States’ efforts have proven to be fruitless because new technological advances and methods have allowed for marijuana and other drugs to evade border patrols. Fox News also reports that, “$450 billion to lock those people up in federal prisons alone. Last year, half of all federal prisoners in the U.S. were serving sentences for drug offenses.” The nation’s tax dollars are being wasted on marijuana drug busts, arrests, and incarcerations, instead of rehab centers. People are very likely to bounce back to their old habits if they do not receive the help that they need. The ineffective war has only ruined people’s lives, rather than helping them. The “crime” that marijuana users are charged with will permanently be apart of the person’s record. If laws began to pacify towards marijuana, the budget in police departments will increase. This allows for officers to fight against malicious crime that affects others negatively. The majority of their hours are spent on searching in people’s homes and vehicles for marijuana, while real crime (burglary, rapes, murders) are not being monitored as closely. Taxpayer money can be spent more wisely with the legalization of