Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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Marijuana should be legalized because it presents many opportunities in which it could benefit the public. It has been shown to help with slowing down the negative effects of cancer and also can help relieve stress. Marijuana is stigmatized as one of the most widespread problematic drugs, but there isn’t much evidence to support that claim. No one has overdosed from just smoking marijuana, the problems usually come when mixed with other, much more deadly drugs. This paper will be about why marijuana should be legal, and all the benefits it can provide, and why marijuana is problematic and shouldn’t be legalized . Legalizing marijuana would have an overall good effect because it could help a lot of people out in many different ways in the long run. The importance of legalizing …show more content…

In 1971, a study found that medical marijuana decreased the intraocular pressure , or fluid pressure inside the eye, and also have a neuroprotective effect for people who have glaucoma (Ophthalmol) and it helps in many ways with different liver diseases. For people with Cirrhosis, a disease that occurs when the liver develops too much scar tissue as an effect of long term damage (which can occur due to alcohol abuse), the usage of medical marijuana has been shown to work together with the body’s endocannabinoid system to help the CB1 and CB2 receptors send messages throughout the body that help to maintain a healthy balance among all metabolic processes. (Garland) In addition, a 2002 study, had shown promising results for patients who had cholestatic liver disease when they were treated with THC, after having been treated with many different standard treatments that had little to no effect. The three patients showed improvements in quality and quantity of sleep, decreased itchiness, and a decrease in depression in two of the patients; who were able to return to work normally following these treatments.