Persuasive Essay On Marijuana

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Marijuana has been acknowledged for centuries for its therapeutic values, and its powerful pain relief to many patients with cancer or other serious illnesses. Until recently marijuana is now known as the number one cash crop in America. ABC reports that underground marijuana generates over $35.8 billion in revenues annually. That’s more than corn ($23.3 billion) and wheat ($7.5 billion) combined! Think of how many millions those numbers could generate of taxable proceeds if the War on Drugs seizes and marijuana prohibition comes to an end. Without a single joint lit, the cannabis plant features many benefits and revenues as well. Throughout time and history many cultures have utilized the cannabis plant for necessities such as shelter, clothing, food and medicine. Covered pioneer wagons were made of cannabis fibers when the …show more content…

Over the past 40 years it has cost tax payers over $2 trillion, that’s $51 billion every year! This has turned our nation into the most highly incarcerated society in history. 1.55 million of American citizens are arrested annually for nonviolent drug charges. In 2010, with our economy in a desperate need of a trillion-dollar budget cut, federal spending on American drug war increased 3.3% to $15.5 billion! I find myself asking why? Why does the government spend billions of taxpayers’ money annually, when they could generate billions in tax revenues? According to Time, the legal medicinal cannabis economy “already generates $200 million annually in taxable proceeds from 500,000 registered medical users in just 16 states.” Pointing out that prescription drugs are the causes of fatal drug overdoses at over 26,000 a year, alcohol consumption at over 23,000 a year, and a mere goose egg for the number of deaths cannabis has caused. Cannabis is not just as safe as alcohol consumption, it’s safer! America agrees, with 58% supporting full legalization and 80% supporting medical marijuana legalization.