
Persuasive Essay On Open Adoption

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Development of the Adopted and Its Connection to Their Happiness In America alone, there are more adopted children than one may realize, “About two percent of the U.S. child population is adopted, either from foster care or through private domestic or international adoption.” (“Archived Indicator: Adopted Children”). Does knowing about their birth families make a difference in their home lives? Adopted children do not grow and develop as well when they don’t know where they are from, therefore when an adopted child grows up learning about their birth family they are happy. When you do not now where you are from, you do not know where you are going. When a child is put into the foster system, it is because they have been abused, abandoned, …show more content…

Everyone wants to know where their ancestors came from, to be able to hear the stories that their ancestors have passed down through the years. Not only where they are from but how they dressed or if they inherited any features from their blood family. Knowing these things are not sought after to simply be used as a conversation starter, but to truly know more about themselves as an individual. There are of course more factors that go along whilst trying to learn more about their past. When a child is voluntarily put into the system the birth parent is given the option to have an “open adoption”, which means that the family that adopts the child is required to send pictures once a year. As well as being open to answering any letters addressed to the child that have been sent to the adoption agency. The perimeters of an open adoption can vary case, to case, though it’s the general idea of it. When a child is adopted, whether the adoption is open or not, there is always a concern a parent has toward their adopted child. That they might not look at them as their parents, even if they were raised as such. Why the subject of open adoptions was brought up is to bring forward the evidence that sometimes, even though a parent has given their child to the system they still want a relationship with

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