Persuasive Essay On Standardized Testing

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The day to take the standardized test is here. Like every morning, today students were up early to go to school, but this day was different from other days. The scared emotions that were caused because they had to take this test could not leave these students calm. Everyone is gathered at their assigned school. Before being dispersed in the classes where they are being tested, they wished each other good luck on the test. Sitting at desks, with scantron forms, booklets in front of them and pencil in hand, waiting for the teacher to say “Now begins the time to write the essay”. Many students wanted to write this test does not define my intelligence, in big letters when they saw the empty sheet instead of writing the actual essay. They were all …show more content…

The teachers are geared towards teaching just what they must in order that their students perform well in the standardized test. The needs of the students are placed on the back burner. (Squire 1) Even the students who do really well in these standardized tests do not think that these tests are an accurate measure of their intelligence they feel like they are just playing the game put before them. Sometimes the students are given certain drills to perform like rote learning, just to do well in the standardized test, (Herrington & Moran 219) Standardized tests have made the teachers’ vision myopic as all they are geared towards catering for this testing. The subjects such as languages, arts, and music are not given enough importance. (Crocco & Costigan 512) According to Crocco & Costigan the subjects that are not included in these tests such as: social studies, music, art, and languages are curtailed. It is these subjects that developed an individual’s personality and critical thinking skills. It is due to these standardized tests that a student is now required to read a very narrow range of texts and is not encouraged to read and understand beyond the standardized