Persuasive Essay On Syrian Refugees

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There is something extremely atrocious happening in Germany and Syria that has been in the main spotlight of the entire world. Syrian refugees have fled their country because of the nonstop war there and most of them ended up in Germany. Germany, at first, was welcoming the immigrants coming in, but then when the number reached several thousands refugees, Germany may now be reconsidering the way it will deal with them, because of the fact that they don’t have enough room for the immigrants to stay as well as because of the security of the country. I hope to understand why other countries are not doing the same as Germany in accepting Syrian refugees. I would also like to learn what, if anything, we as Americans can do about this. I will …show more content…

After some research, I found out that as of September of 2015, America, a very big country, has only compromised to accepting 69,933 refugees, while Germany, which isn’t much bigger than Texas, has taken more than 57,000. Chancellor Angela Merkel is expecting over one million refugees to arrive in Germany this year. This is taking different effects on people in Germany. Some Germans feel sympathy for the refugees. They feel that the refugees are humans and have a war going on in their country, therefore, they should have somewhere to go to be safe while all of this is happening and until it is safe for them to return to their home. Other people fear that with letting the Syrian refugees into their country, that they will force their religion, Islam, upon them or at least force their rules of the religion. I personally do not agree with those people, because I personally have family members that are Muslims and they have explained to me that it is a sin for Muslims to force their religion upon anyone. According to my source, the religion of Islam recognizes other religions (Christianity and Judaism) and accepts …show more content…

Imagine having one million people just show up in Oklahoma. Where would everybody stay? Where would they get all of the extra resources? How can they be supported? How can they be fed? What I am trying to say, is that it is impossible to just try and fit over one million people into the amount of space that Germany has to offer.
From a different point, Germany is trying to take as many refugees as it can and is using them to its advantage. Germany is training the Syrian refugees to become productive citizens so that they can improve the future economy of Germany. What this means is that doctors of all types, engineers, scientists and many other professions from Syria are being trained and taught the German language and are then put to use to serve the country. This is a good, positive thing, because then they can help the German people as well as the other Syrian refugees coming to