Persuasive Essay On Texting And Driving

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Jacob Schmitt
Mrs. Myer
English 12
October 28, 2015

Everyone has seen the commercials and the news on how texting and driving will change your life forever. Texting and driving is becoming an epidemic, quickly becoming one of the country’s top killers. Seeing someone throw away their life to reply to a friend while driving is sad knowing all they had to do was just wait or pullover. “ Ferdinand et al. conducted a national study that examined all crash – related fatalities between 2000 and 2010 and found that states with texting bans saw significant reductions in this outcome relative to states with no such bans” (Ferdinand 859).Texting and driving should be illegal in all states because it is a distraction, unsafe, and can cause major issues. …show more content…

“In 2009, more than 2.3 million adult drivers and passengers in the United States sought medical attention following involvement in a motor vehicle crash. Of these individuals, 416,000 (18%) reports being injured in crashes involving a distracted driver” (Ferdinand 859). If someone makes the reckless decision to take their eyes off the road they are risking a lot. Someone might argue that it is only for a couple of seconds but just think of all the things that could happen during those few seconds. The person in front of you could slam on their brakes, someone could run out in the road not knowing you were coming, the light could turn red. All horrible things that could happen in just a few seconds. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration texting and driving was the reason for eighteen percent of all crashes in 2012 (1). Having someone in the car with you is a huge responsibility that should not be taken lightly. Texting and driving or even just reading a text while someone else is in your vehicle not only puts your life on the line but theirs too. The authors of driving- brought up a great question how would you feel knowing that your ignorance lead to major injury or the death of some innocent person or maybe even your best friend