Persuasive Essay On Texting And Driving

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Constantly, the streets are always busy, they seem to get busier as the days go by. In the past, people would get into accidents due to applying making up, changing the radio station, or eating. Now that technology has bestowed itself into people’s hands, they can’t seem to use it wisely. In this case, not while driving. Texting while driving is by the biggest distraction among society. The state of Florida noticed the chaos that texting while driving causes, they followed suit and did as the 37 other states did. They pass a law, different than others, stating that in order to get a consequence for texting and driving, you must be making another offense also. With that being said, you must be speeding or running a red light while texting and driving in order for a police to pull you over for it. In my opinion, the state of Florida does not help prevent distracted driving by passing a law along with many other states. Even though a law has been passed to prevent it, police will not pay you any mind unless you are making another offense as well. …show more content…

The passing of this law has made residents of Florida question the effectiveness it really has. Some residents have a fear of reckless or young drivers avoiding this new law and will continue to text and drive. This may lead to some residents fearing their lives on the road because someone may be breaking this law, resulting into an accident, and having innocent lives taken over a text message that could have waited to be read. Some locals a requesting a law that is applied more to the issue at hand, a much stronger one, however, Florida is doing what they can to prevent texting and