Positive Effects Of Texting And Driving

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There are many effects on a person’s health and wellbeing through texting and driving, one of these effects is that the person could seriously injure themselves or other people around them, this could then lead to the person developing life limiting injuries, this could then affect the person in many ways one of these ways is that the person could miss out on opportunities. For example, they may not be able to play with their children or maintain a income. Another effect of texting while driving is that the person is at risk of causing themselves a brain damage There are many effects of texting while driving, one of these effects is that a person could start to feel guilty; this will affect the person as it could cause them to have mental ill health and lead to depression. This will affect the person as they could them as they could then become withdrawn from family and friends, this could then cause the person to become addicted to drugs or alcohol to cope with the feeling of guilt and having to live with what they have done. An addiction is when a person becomes reliant on something to cope with their life. Another effect of texting while driving is a person having life limiting injuries, this would then affect the person as it could affect their quality of life. One way as it would do this is the person could have to go in hospital. This would mean that the person will be losing an income which would affect them and their family. If a person has a life limiting