Why Is Texting While Driving Dangerous

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In the world today we are in an age of technology; therefore, cell phones are a common device and used by children, teenagers, adults, and senior citizens. More and more in today's society, cell phone users may be accessing their devices more than they may think. Looking around in a public setting there are people on their cell phone while walking down the street, eating in a restaurant, riding a public transportation, working on the job, and even while operating a motor vehicle. Texting while driving can be a dangerous action due to fatality, disabilities, and shame that can stick with a person or family. Texting while driving is the act of operating a motor vehicle while sending and receiving text messages. (Biscontini) Texting while driving is a very common thing of our time. Even though they may think they are accomplishing this task they are putting themselves and other lives in danger on the road. Sending a message the driver must take their eyes off the the road, shifting concentration away from the act of driving, and take at least one hand off of the steering wheel. (Biscontini) With that, it can be made very clear that the act of texting while driving has a great reduction for safety. …show more content…

Studies have shown that even though they are not physically typing but speaking the message it does little to reduce drivers impairment. Texting and driving is dangerous for the divided attention between phone and road, not because their hands are being occupied. (Biscontini) Along with vocal commands there are other actions that are not included in the texting while driving laws. Those actions are using a global positioning system (GPS), changing songs, or dialing a phone number. Even though they are not considered “texting” based on the laws, most say it is just as likely of a