Persuasive Essay On The Colored Women

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Either when you walk down the street or just relax at home with your computer or television, one thing follows you and effects the societal ideals in your life. They are the one and only advertisements that "sell values, images, and concepts of love, sexuality, success, and normalcy" (Kilbourne). Advertisements combine society's incapability of understanding the diversity and importance of the female and the colored population. The female population is represented as beautiful only if they match a certain "body ideal" and even then, they are further cut down with cosmetic or computer procedures. On the other hand, the colored population is represented as beautiful only if they match a certain "white ideal" and they are photo-shopped to be lighter …show more content…

It is hard to imagine because advertisements have been drilling an ideal stereotype of how colored women should be. Other colored women cannot see most advertisements that portray a true colored woman normally. Either the models are beautiful by meeting the white ideal or as a mixed-race or they are presented with lighter skin (Kilbourne). The Colored Model Advertisement is an example of the many advertisements that portray colored women either as objects or animals from tropical countries. Many ponder over the question of "why it matters?" Well, in Jean Kilbourne words, "Ads create an environment. Just as it’s difficult to be healthy in a toxic physical environment, if we’re breathing poisoned air or drinking polluted water, it’s difficult to be healthy in a “toxic cultural environment” that surrounds us with unhealthy images and constantly sacrifices our health and well-being for the sake of profit" (Kilbourne). So, when the young and the old colored women look upon these advertisements, they can get a message that they are not beautiful, or they might not be worthy of being a human. It can also shout across the same message to the white population that colored women are only worthy of being exotic animals from jungles and forests. This misunderstanding that advertisements create is disastrous to the society's understanding and acceptance of