Persuasive Essay On Why Public Education Is Great

525 Words3 Pages

Public education is what makes America great. Our literacy rate is one of the highest in the world. Our citizens can start businesses, follow our dreams, and understand important issues. Most of us have participated in public education.
Recently public education has started to look differently than it used to. One of the differences today is the option to take online school. This is a system that works well because it is easier to concentrate, students have more flexibility in their schedule, and it is surprisingly less of a cost than regular school.

In the dictionary concentration is defined as: The action or power of focusing one's attention. It's common sense to know that without concentration it is very hard to get things done. In a crowded school full of a bunch of loud, noisy, and annoying teenagers It’s pretty hard to get anything done. Now there is a way to make up for this huge lack of concentration. It’s a little thing called online education. Technology companies like Microsoft, and Apple are making huge breakthroughs in technology. For example the Macbook the iPhone 6s or the new Windows 10 software or the Xbox one. All of these breakthroughs in technology is telling people to move on. Out with the old and in with the new. With online education you are able to get out of a crowded building full of distractions and …show more content…

I have piano lessons in five minutes. Then I have practice that lasts 2 hours right after that Then I go straight back home to eat dinner and then I have to eat fast enough so that I can get to mutual on time. does your daily schedule look like this? If so keep reading. If not well keep reading anyway. Students that use regular school you won’t have any time to do any of their extracurricular activities. On the other hand students that use online education can bend their school schedule to their daily schedule