Persuasive Essay Sports

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¨Dad, I'm scared. I only have one brain, and I don't want to hurt it playing football¨ (Cohen.) Millions of kids are forced to play sports even if they don't want to. Sports are supposed to be fun to play if a kid or teen wants to, but if they don't want to sports could be torture. Sports can affect how your whole life plays out. First of all, while you play a sport you could hurt your body, or get a concussion. Secondly sports can become a distraction to the students education. And lastly sports can cause ¨cliques¨. Because of these reasons and more, sports should not be mandatory in schools. First off, when you play a sport you could get hurt or get a concussion. ¨Sports should not be a part of a teenagers’ school career; their brains are still developing and there is a higher risk for permanent damage¨ (McGough.) This quote shows how one injury can affect you. Many sport injuries happen in the form of a broken arm or concussion, and when you're in school, and you have a broken arm, you won't be able to write, type or anything along those lines. Another example is when you get a concussion, you won't even be able to write, read, listen or anything of that sort. …show more content…

¨Sports should be considered a privilege something you receive when they become responsible enough to maintain their grades¨ A previous sport player says. Majority of schools are putting sports before education, causing/tempting kids to not finish their homework and fail tests, assignments, and