Should Schools Get Rid In Schools?

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For many years, schools around the nation have focused on sports instead of their academic studies. Many studies show that these activities are harming places of learning. Therefore, districts around the country should stop this after class past time to save money, reduce the child’s stress, and to increase the learners grades

As many Americans know, money can help to achieve a great education. In an article “Should Your School Get Rid of Sports”, it was found that “many schools can not afford to repair classrooms due to the lack of funding”(Ripley 10).The biggest events the schools have to pay for are the games, they have to pay for the concession stands, to clean up after the kids who leave their trash and they have to repair the bleachers …show more content…

In many topics, people often bring up that the united states lags behind in graduation rates and this is because school sports are so entrenched in our culture and everyday life ( Ripley 10 ). It was found that a school called premont in texas cut sports and the students success rate went from only 50 percent of students passing their classes, to 80 percent of them passing in the next semester ( Ripley 10 ). Furthermore, if we don 't do something about our nation 's grades and graduation rates we will soon be in a very serious crisis. With this information in mind, schools around the nation should make a change to help improve the grades of the students.

If schools were to dispose of the sports the students would greatly benefit mentally, the district’s profit margin would increase, and the establishment could use the money to improve the structure of the institute. Obviously, when students don 't have after school sports they become less stressed and have more time to study for tests which overall increases their grades. Therefore, schools need to cut sports to make sure that all of their students succeed so they 're prepared for the rough future that awaits