Argumentative Essay: Should School Times Start Later?

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“Now in this text we are finding that the tone is…….” “Wake up!!! You fell asleep in class for the second time this week!!! We have a test tomorrow get some sleep so you do well on it.” Going to bed at midnight, waking up at five o’clock in the morning. “Good morning everyone, now it is time to start writing your essay about the topic that you chose yesterday.” I finished the paper. When I got it back, there was an F on it. If only I had more sleep I could really show how good my writing is. This shows that school times should start later. School times should start later because it can improve life for teen’s and so they could really get the sleep that they need each night. On the contrary, some people believe that school times should stay …show more content…

According to, “Bright and Early… Or Not?” by Achieve 3000, it states, “Researcher Paul Kelley from the University of Oxford in England says that adolescents experience a change in their biological clocks.” In short, Researcher Paul Kelley was saying how going to school later can help kids get the sleep they need. This supports the reason ultimately that school times should start later so they could really get the sleep that they need each night because if adolescents normally go to bed later and they have to wake up earlier they don 't get the nine hours of sleep they need to help them get good grades at school. If school started later then, the kids could keep their sleeping schedule and also get the amount of sleep that they need. According to, “Support for Sleeping In? Half of Parents Favor Later School Start Times For Teens” by Mental Health Weekly Digest, it states, “‘Teenagers are chronically sleep-deprived and that can negatively impact their health and well-being. We know teens are biologically wired to have later sleep cycles, which has raised the question of whether school start times that align to adolescents ' natural sleep rhythms…’” Moreover, Matthew M. Davis, M.D., M.A.P.P. was showing how he wants to have schools start later for teens. This supports the reason that school times should start later so they could really get the sleep that they need each night because if it negatively impacts their life and learning environment then it won 't be any better for going to school. According to, “Bright and Early… Or Not?” by Achieve 3000, it states, “‘Many of my friends are falling asleep in class,’ Bridget said.’” Furthermore, this is about a freshman that before her school starting later many of her friends were falling asleep because they couldn 't get the sleep they needed that night. This supports the reason that schools should start later so they