Persuasive Speech: Block Scheduling In School

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Good Morning, A popular topic in Aiken County School District for the past year or so has been 'block scheduling'. I understand that on Tuesday, March 14th, many district officials will debate about making a school year with a block schedule format. I would like to give you my input so you can see a different perspective, the perspective of a student. One reason that I wouldn't look forward to a block schedule is the extensive attention span required. I have always been a hardworking student, tried my hardest in each of my classes, and worked to be the best student that I can. However, some days it's harder to be a good student than others. Whether I'm especially tired in a certain class or I'm exhausted in general from my day, reminding myself that I only have 55 minutes per class helps me make it through, and persevere as much as I can. Having an hour and forty minutes worth of class time would make it a lot harder for me to concentrate. I can focus a lot if it …show more content…

Already we have to retain all of the information needed to be well-prepared for exams in a short time slot in some of my classes. My final reason that I don't support the block schedule is because of how we as students will have to memorize our subjects extensively. Say a student took Algebra 2 in the first semester of their 10th-grade career, and they took Pre-Calculus during their second semester in their 11th-grade year. The things you learn in Algebra are need-to-know items, to help one pass Pre-Calculus. So, when a student goes to take this class, it has been over a year since they first took Algebra two, and unless they have been practicing and reviewing regularly, they have a high chance of failing the class. I understand that there are some benefits to block scheduling that are important enough not to briefly consider. A large advantage of block scheduling is (blank).