Persuasive Speech On Alien Research Paper

544 Words3 Pages
Derrick Parsons
Mrs. Davies
Adv. Speech
20 October 2015
How many of you think aliens exist? Well that's about right. According to a National Geographic survey, 77 percent of all Americans believe in aliens. According to NASA. That's right NASA. Three Days into the Apollo 11 Mission (yeah the moon one), the crew reported a strange flying object not far from their location. They assumed it was a piece of one of the detached rockets. That is, until they received word that it was over 6,000 miles away. NASA still cannot explain what kind of object it was. Clearly Aliens not only exist in the universe but they are here. There are really two different types of alien encounters. UFO sightings, and abductions
Abductions can no longer be ignored.

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