Persuasive Speech: Weight Loss And Wellness

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We all know how it is. We graduate from College. Earn a degree and Start a job. Get another job and watch our career, hopefully, take off. We get busier. Meet a mate and settle down, maybe have kids. Between the long hours, meetings, shuffling the kids around to different activities and the like, we somehow forget to take care of ourselves. Next thing we know, we have gained 20 to 30 pounds from poor diet and lack of exercise. We look at yourself in the mirror one day and wonder, “How the hell did I get here?” Today, this is the story of all of us. We all can relate with this so truly. Many of us try to change this situation by going for various weight loss programs , fad diets , different exercise routines . We seek help from Dieticians , wellness programs , fitness centres , fitness apps , weight loss surgeries (undergoing knife) and so on . We all put in a lot of money into all these. We try our best to incorporate all these Weight loss solutions in our daily hectic life but most of us miss on them and fail to follow them on regular basis due to our tight schedule. Thus, the result is not desirable and not consistent. …show more content…

Can Big Data and Wearable technology help us lose weight ? This technology needs large amounts of data, a broad scope of quality input to provide informative and insightful feedback. So where is all the data coming from? The answer is we all. Sophisticated tools are hitting the market, including applications and wearable technology that make use of big data to help us lose weight. . At the 2014 Consumer Electronic show (CES), wearable technology stole the show, and a large sub-category of wearable tech is wearable fitness

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