
Philippe Squarzon Essay On Climate Change

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Isabelle Segadelli

Climate Changed: A Personal Journey Through the Science by Philippe Squarzoni is a graphic novel depicting the story of one man’s path down the road of education about climate change. Through artistically drawn images and text, the readers are sucked into the whirlwind of information and the personal process of Squarzoni’s experience. Between multiple beginnings and endings, that symbolize the constant cycle of change, Squarzoni succeeds in educating his readers fully about climate change through a scientific and political lens complemented with peeks into his own inner turmoil of the experience. I have never been a fan of graphic novels in the past, mostly because that I tend to ignore the photos and simply read the speech bubbles. However, I will admit that the …show more content…

Throughout my education climate change has been brought up over and over again and so much of the information presented in the book I was already familiar with. This novel inspires the reader to care more about their impact on the environment, or at least be more conscious of their actions and the consequences that may follow them. Part of Squarzoni’s journey is focused on one’s individual impacts on the environment and whether really one individual’s actions truly make a difference or are we just stuck in a seemingly endless cycle of consumption that very few are willing to break apart from. On his journey, Squarzoni meets with multiple climate change makers in the forms of politicians, scientists and others working in the energy service sector of society. He uses these credible sources to explain the science of climate change and it’s timeline from the industrial revolution which began the dramatic increase in carbon emissions into the atmosphere to the current state of Earth’s climate in 2012 when he finished the book. The explanations of the science behind climate change along with the imagery displayed were accurate as the facts and figures came from

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