Juveniles who are victims of physical abuse are studied by criminologists with six factors that can determine the likelihood of delinquency. The first thing that researchers determine is the severity of abuse that the juvenile has been experiencing. What a researcher is looking for in this instance is how hard the child is struck and with what implement. It is important to know that the implement used doesn’t necessarily mean that the juvenile will result in having fewer or more effects, but it is something considered by criminologists. When understanding the severity of harm implemented onto the juvenile criminologists measure the physical and emotional harm together. Another factor considered by researchers when it comes to physical abuse …show more content…
If the child lacks someone to turn to, they experience a greater feeling of abandonment, adding to the effects of physical abuse. That’s why when considering the effects of physical abuse, it’s important to also consider how the child copes with the abuse he or she has experienced. So, when criminologist study the effects of physical abuse they also consider if the child used physical, emotional, inward or outward coping skills. If a child copes physically they show signs of humor, thus becoming a “class clown”. The humor the child portrays is a way to hide the suffering that they are experiencing. If a child copes emotionally they are less likely to try anything new, for fear of failure. This protects them from receiving any other negative messages about themselves from their peers or adults. If a child copes inwardly, he or she can turn on themselves either physically or emotionally. Leading them to be physically harmful to themselves or placing self-blame on themselves. If a child copes outwardly, it is common for them to act out against someone else. This type of coping leads to physical interactions such as fights at