Physical Health Domain

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Physical health domain

In my study schizophrenia patients showed a significant lower perception of their Qol in physical health domain in comparison to epilepsy patients. Physical health domain was assessed with the following three facets pain and discomfort, energy and fatigue, and sleep and rest. When facet scores were compared, epilepsy patients showed compromised scores in pain and discomfort and sleep and rest scores while schizophrenia patients showed a significant lower scores in energy and fatigue. Even when a person is not actually in pain unpleasant physical sensations such as stiffness, aches, long-term or short-term pain, or itches and threats of pain are included in the pain and discomfort facet50. Energy and fatigue domain …show more content…

Psychiatric patients frequently report complaints of somatic symptoms, Side effects of medications, metabolic syndrome, and negligence of medical disorders which ultimately may lead to participants' negative health perceptions.
Patients with schizophrenia has reported to have worse physical health than the health condition of terminally ill Patients who are at the end stage of their illness 48 where it highlight the important of medical attention.
There are controversial findings where chronic patients with renal failure, head and neck cancer and breast cancer patients better Qol than schizophrenia64 .the results could have been due to early stages and short disease duration of other chronic disorders in the other chronic diseases sample . In my study chronic patients has been involved with long disease …show more content…

This domain has showed significantly lower Qol among schizophrenia respondents than epilepsy in my study.

When the facets were compared lower scores in all the facets were shown for schizophrenia than epilepsy. Dependent on medication is a negatively framed facet and more dependence has been shown in schizophrenia patients. Significantly lower Qol was seen in mobility, activities of daily living, and work capacity domains in patients with schizophrenia than epilepsy.
Single and female patients have shown a significant better Qol than married and male schizophrenia patients. No significant difference is seen in age sex or marital status found in epilepsy patients.
Research evidence vary in different studies. No difference has been noted in the comparative study of epilepsy and schizophrenia patients in India2 and a study done between mentally ill and physically ill individuals Greece48.The activities of daily living and dependence on medication facets has been shown significant lower value in patients with schizophrenia s day-to-day functioning. It is a negatively framed facet. However, patients with schizophrenia perceived their ability to tolerate negative feelings are better than epileptic patients without any