
Physical Signs Of Child Abuse

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This essay is going to be about child molestation/abuse and how it is cruel, sad, and unbelievable. The reason I chose “Child molestation and abuse” is because I myself have experienced someone going through this same exact situation. Its sad to hear about something like this, I’ve never in my life seen such cruel people. Children who have went through this situation should tell someone about it and never keep it a secret! If you keep it a secret its not good, you could get someone in trouble for doing the right thing. I think that when a child goes through things like this that their parents should be involved to help them out and settle the whole situation. If you are getting abused at home and your scared to tell someone about it, talk to …show more content…

“A child who is a victim of prolonged sexual abuse usually develops low self-esteem, a feeling of worthlessness and an abnormal or distorted view of sex, they may become suicidal.” (“Child, abuse”) The stuff people do to children is unbelievable, I mean I don’t understand why you would abuse or molest a child. Others take there problems out on children, sometimes they do things to children that maybe have been done to them in the past. Also “Physical signs of sexual abuse are rare.” (“Tips”) Usually when a child is being sexually abused they don’t show signs of the symptom, they keep it a secret. Most of the children who get molested wait until their older to let anyone know that it happened. You should always check on someone who acts depressed and don’t talk a lot, maybe you can prevent child abuse or …show more content…

“In one year in the U.S., 16% youth ages 14-17 have been sexually victimized.” (“National”) I think 16 percent is big for the whole world. That is a lot of kids that shouldn’t even have to worry about child abuse or molestation. It’s ridiculous for kids to have to go through that kind of stuff. Also “Children who do not live with both parents as well as children lining in homes marked by parental discord, divorce, or domestic violence, have a high risk of being sexually abused.” (“Child, RAINN”) Kids who live with both parents may be safe and may not be safe. I think that kids who don’t have both of their parents because maybe their parents got divorced, or maybe one of the parents died. I think that they have a bigger chance on getting molested. I think that child abuse and molestation should be taken serious, no child should have to go through this

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