Placebo Effect Essay

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From the results produced, it can be seen that 100% of the participants’ reaction times in Group A (Control Group) in the stroop test decreased, meaning that their psychological activity became more attentive which allowed them to react quicker to the challenge before them. However, this group didn’t receive any caffeine, so it can be said that the students in this particular group were affected by the Placebo Effect. The Placebo Effect is the psychological term given to the practice where subjects may be receiving a non-subjective drug yet are given the impression that they are being exposed to the subjective drug. In this particular case, students were not informed how much caffeine they will be consuming, thus one could …show more content…

All these elements were a part of the experiment that took place. All of these factors were taken in mind in order for the test to be ethical. The working environment was ensured safe so that no physical or psychological harm be done to the participants. All students/guardians/parents of students received consent for their participation in the experiment. Students’ participation was voluntary and thus they also received the right to withdraw. Identity of the students remained confidential as each student was characterised by a 3 digit serial number. Students were also debriefed about the results at the end of the experiment. By this process, all ethical standards were considered and follow and therefore the experiment was