Plant Growth Experiment Essay

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The data used in this experiment is the average of all the plants height, and does not count the length of the roots. This is because the averages will provide a more even set of data because not all plants are exactly the same and due to genetic variation some may grow higher or shorter than others. The data being analysed is the height it grew from when the hormones was placed on the plant (day 4), this is to ensure that if a plant grew taller or shorter than the others from day 0 till day 4 it would still be accurate when comparing to the other tests.

Primary Data:
In this experiment the average growth ranges from 0.7cm to 10.2cm in six days from when the hormones were placed on the plants for dicots, and 5.9cm to 10.4cm from when the hormones were placed on the plants for monocots.
The primary data shows that for lentil seeds (dicots), IBA stunts the growth of the plant. The plants only managed to grow 0.7cm in 6 days from when the hormone was applied. Compared to the control, where it grew 6.7cm in the same amount of time. The lentils that had cytokinin added grew much more than both the control and the auxin grown plants, growing 10.2 cm in the 6 days from when the auxin was placed on the plant. This suggests that cytokinin enhances growth and auxin inhibits the growth in dicots.
The primary data for kikuyu …show more content…

This supports the hypothesis that the added cytokinin induces shoot growth and the added IBA will induce root growth rather than shoot growth. The higher tolerance of monocots to auxin could be due to the structures of the inside of the monocot, meaning that the excess auxin is harder to transport around the plant, or possibly because the monocot is better able to deal with excess ethylene, the production of which is stimulated by

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