Pledge Of Allegiance Speech

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When American kids were young, their teachers forced them to stand, facing the flag, and recite the Pledge of Allegiance. Now, in middle school, teachers encourage them, but do not enforce standing and pledging to the American flag. Even if they do stand, people do not always say the Pledge. Furthermore, the people saying it usually talk in a monotone, like there are a million other things that they could give their attention to. No one says it with passion. No one says it like they are proud to be an American.

I believe that we should have great pride to represent our flag, much like the Olympians we all respect. We have stood for it since June 14, 1777, the day our founding fathers decided on the flag’s design. Millions of Americans died …show more content…

There are differences everywhere - ethnicity, religion, LGBTQ+, and Trump vs. Hillary, just to name a few. We are falling apart - despite the fact our technologies and sciences are further along than ever - because there is no unity among Americans. Standing for the pledges and national anthem allows us to unite, even for a short moment, giving us the chance to connect once more. There are so many Americans who die in an attempt to give us an opportunity - but we throw it away our shot at unity.

Furthermore, it is good etiquette to stand for the flag. According to, we must stand, facing the flag, during both the Pledge of Allegiance and the Star-Spangled Banner.

While I understand what people like Colin Kaepernick say - “I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of colour. To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder.” - but I have to say I disagree. Yes, America has a large issue with crime - inmate population has climbed steadily for decades, according to - but there are more effective ways to protest against it. Sitting, or as the football players have been doing, kneeling, is a counterproductive way to express beliefs because it only sows more divisions in our already divided