Plutarch Roman Lives Essay

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Why Americans Would Benefit from Reading Plutarch’s Roman Lives. A recent article by Rebecca Burgess and Hugh Liebert from the Wall Street Journal argues that Americans would benefit from reading Plutarch. The authors give very little evidence to support their case. Plutarch’s Roman Lives could be beneficial for not only Americans, but most of the population to read. The collections of stories share many ways that one of the most famous civilizations shaped their lives. Julius Caesar is one of the most familiar names in Roman History. He was a hero for the Roman army for many years. He was very well respected by his soldiers as well as his peers. However, his early experiences in his life shaped him to be the man he ended up becoming. Julius Caesar was born into a middle-class family to Gaius Julius Caesar and Aurelia Cotta. The family had very little political influence in Rome, if any. Aurelia Cotta’s birth family had some influence. When she married Gaius Julius Caesar, she did not have influence in Rome anymore. At 16, Gaius Julius Caesar had passed away leaving his son Julius the head of the family. Because of the ongoing civil war, Caesar became a target and lost his inheritance to his uncle as well as his …show more content…

His past shaped him to be a very well-respected man. Caesar began his political career when he won the popular vote of a military tribuneship over his rival Gaius Popillius. The position he was elected is a very low position but a stepping stone to the senate. After winning the election his Aunt had passed away. Julia was the wife of Marius. Marius was an opponent of his before he fled Rome. Caesar delivered a eulogy for her, even with the circumstances of him and Marius. This gained a lot of respect from family of her and other citizens. He always looked-for opportunities to keep his image