
Poetic Drunkness In Edgar Allen Poe's Work

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Poetic Drunkness Edgar Allen Poe was a very troubled man who had a very terrible life. He had numerous family members and friends die from Tuberculosis. This could have made him depressed and caused many drinking binges. He was never a very wealthy man and this could have angered him, also causing drinking binges. Even though Poe’s death is debatable he most likely died of alcoholism. Because he had so many troubles it would not be hard for him to lapse into a drinking binge from a small urge. Poe had many troubles and was probably depressed making go on drinking binges. Poe probably died from alcoholism. This is because he was more than likely depressed from his marriage being called off by his fiancé. When Joseph Walker found him he stated he was “Rather the worse for wear” and “in great distress”. He was probably angry from his recent girlfriend calling off their wedding and he started drinking. When Dr. Snodgrass found him he had a look of “vague stupidity” on his face and was wearing someone else’s cloths on. He was probably drunk and got coned or robbed out of his cloths. Henry Herring stated that when drunk “he was abusive and ungrateful” and Moran and his wife said he was in …show more content…

His fiancé had called off their wedding and yet he still left his cat with her. He must have known he was going to do something stupid if he left his pet and best friend with the women who called off his wedding. It has shown that dementia can be triggered by heavy drinking. This could have caused him to regress to when he had a wife as he was screaming at in the hospital. His death could have been a result of encephalitis. I believe so because he was a known alcoholic and he could have had no regard for his health and got himself sick with encephalitis. All of the alcohol in his system could have triggered dementia and weakened his immune system causing him to come down with

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