
Political Parties In Canada Essay

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“Democracy is based on the belief that the effective representation is the basis for citizens to govern themselves. Political parties play a key role in this because they are able to represent different political interests and views in their policies and decisions in government.” ( International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, 2013) In Canada you have the right to vote for who represents you in federal and provincial politics. In order to qualify to vote you must be a Canadian citizen and be at least 18 years of age, you must also be a resident in the electoral district. Each candidate has various ideas or promises they feel are important and want to improve in our country. It is our job to decide which candidate/political …show more content…

Throughout this paper I will discuss the different parties and their beliefs and promises on an important political issue. I will also give my prediction of the outcome and finally what happens in the end.
Political Issue and where each political party stands:
This year there are many political issues being addressed such as, economy, jobs, aboriginal’s, military, housing, and energy and environment. An issue I believe is very important and tell a lot about how the leaders will treat every other issue is justice and policing (CTV News, 2015). I think that currently our country is too lenient on crimes and often let criminals off with a unfair sentence. Criminal law is very interesting to me and seeing that I want to go to law school in the future this is exactly what I am interested in. Crime occurs everyday and in parts of Canada we have some of the highest rates of crime so that is another reason why I feel that this is a very important issue that needs to be addressed. “Responsibility for Canada’s criminal justice system is divided between the federal and provincial/territorial governments. Federal responsibility encompasses matters related to the peace, order and good government of Canada as well as the specific subject-matter of the

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